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People Living with HIV/AIDS Scholarship Program
If you are living with HIV and are a resident of New York State, you can apply for a full scholarship to Reunion Latina. Read the rules and then fill out the registration form.

Programa de Becas para gente viviendo con VIH/SIDA
Si usted esta viviendo con VIH y es residente del estado de Nueva York, usted puede aplicar por una beca a Reunión Latina. Infórmese de las reglas y luego llene la aplicación en línea.

The deadline to apply is February 11th, 2015 at 2pm.
La fecha limite para aplicar es el 11 de febrero del 2015 a las 2pm.

Scholarship Rules:
- Use one form per nominee.
- All nominations MUST BE RECEIVED by February 11th, 2015 NO LATER THAN 2:00pm either by fax, e-mail, or online registration.
- The scholarship program is strictly for people living with HIV/AIDS and living within the state of New York.
- There are a limited number of scholarships available.
- Nomination does not guarantee a scholarship award.
- The scholarship will cover registration, travel, meals and hotel room costs.
- Agency sponsorship is NOT required but encouraged.
- HIV status will be kept confidential.
- Candidates for scholarship will be chosen by a Statewide Workgroup of the Planning Committee for Reunion Latina.
- If you are selected to receive a scholarship, you must be available to attend a mandatory orientation meeting.
- If you live in upstate New York and are awarded a scholarship, you will be contacted about a local orientation meeting conducted by a Reunion Latina Planning Committee member in your area.
- You MUST attach a brief statement (no more than one page) describing your community and/or agency involvement in HIV/AIDS related activities/work. Also describe your expectations from this conference and the benefits you envision (for yourself, your agency, and your community) given your participation. Application will not be processed without your brief statement.
- Demographic Information will help us to ensure a broad representation among participants.
- All information will be kept confidential.

Register for Reunion Latina 2011
Reunion Latina is an annual conference organizated by the Latino Commission on AIDS.
24 West 25th Street New York, NY 10010